Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA)

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Scoliosis?

Conditions & Diseases

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Scoliosis?

If you suffer from scoliosis, you may be desperately searching for a solution to your pain and discomfort. The good news is that while it is not 100% curable, it is treatable and you may be able to manage your condition with chiropractic care.

What is Scoliosis?

Ordinarily one’s spine is in a straight line from the base of the skull to the bottom of your buttock region. Looking at the spine from the back, with scoliosis this changes shape and curves sideways, creating an abnormal curvature, in a C-shape or S-shape.

What causes Scoliosis?

Scoliosis has many causes, including trauma and neuro-muscular conditions such as cerebral palsy, but some people are simply born with it or develop it as they age.

Unfortunately the medical profession does not know the cause of the most common type of scoliosis, but there are certain risks to be considered such as age, gender and genetics. Typically, idiopathic scoliosis appears in adolescence and is more commonly seen in female patients.

Chiropractic treatment for Scoliosis

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis:

If you notice a change in your posture, such as uneven hips and shoulders, or feel as if you’re leaning to the side, you might have scoliosis.

Other symptoms include:

Painful back muscles

If you think you may have scoliosis, be sure to chat to your chiropractor who will test for it by assessing your posture and palpating your spine. If scoliosis is suspected, your chiropractor may recommend you have an X-ray to determine the severity and degree of curvature.

Treating Scoliosis

Most patients with scoliosis have a mild curvature of the spine with no symptoms and as a result may not require any treatment at all. However in some cases, the pain and dysfunction may be debilitating and can be treated by a variety of methods.

Your treatment options therefore may depend on the cause and severity of your condition.

Back braces may assist in stabilising and supporting the back, however, your chiropractor will be able to advise you on the best treatment for your condition.

Chiropractic adjustment, stretching and exercise regimes can all form part of your treatment programme and help you manage your condition and any associated pain.

If you do have scoliosis, it is advised that you have regular check-ups to monitor the progression of the curvature.

Want to know more about scoliosis and how to manage it?  Find a CASA-registered chiropractor  here.


This blog post is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Tags :
curved spine, idiopathic scoliosis, posture, scoliosis
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